martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

The Blogger Experience 101

Hey Guys! I'm going to list all the post that your servant has posted during these awesome two months as a "Blogger"

  1. A Filmlover/Bookworn Doing Blogs
  2. The Lord of The Rings: The silmarilion failure
  3. Macbeth and the Forgotten Script
  4. Which sources do I use?
  5. The Great Martin Scorsese
  6. The BookTubers, the medium for books to be trend
  7. Room

Resultado de imagen de typing gif

Let me tell you, It was not as bad as I thought. I quite enjoyed this, even though the annoying deadlines and some specific topics that you might noticed through the course of blog were not as entertaining *cough* *cough* Sources I use *cough* *cough*
Anyhow, the blogs where a useful way to learn and to express things I like as I already said on the first blog (A Filmlover/Bookworn doing Blogs), especially with the story times and the Martin Scorsese blogs, those where with no doubt my best blogs.

All in all, I want to end this on a good note so, I'm going to do the 50/50 Challenge from Reddit. If you want to know what is exactly the 50/50 challenge, go check out the Fine Brothers videos. 

Now, Shall we begin?

Imagen relacionadaHope you liked it! Deuces!! 

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