martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

My posts and my opinion

First of all, here's a list of all my posts in order of their publication:
1. Literature, movies and me
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The Awesome Movie Adaptation (a personal favorite)
3. Behind my work
4. Peter Jackson, The Lord of The Movies (another favorite)
5. Social Networks: Everyone can be a critic
6. My 3 favorite book adaptations of this year (That I have watched) 

Me as a blog writer
And now it's time to give my personal experience on blogging. I have to make clear that never had I ever posted on a blog before this one (well, except the personal I had to do for the same subject as this one). That is why I feel it was really interesting seeing how my style improved and grew. The topic of the blog was also helpful since it was something I like and I know a thing or two about.

Choosing how to tackle each post and what movies or series to talk about was really entertaining, and it helped me learn more about something I enjoy. Finding out how to use multimedia content was also captivating and I ended up being invested in finding the best use of it. 

The end has come. It's time for me to reunite with my family.
With this in mind, I would like to thank you all for taking part in this little adventure. It is now time to close this last post (unless I decide to post more for some reason), and with it,t he time to say goodbye.

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