viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

Which sources do I use?

Normally I don't have a set of used sources to informed myself about a topic. Typically, it depends on what do I want to search, and if it is more related to movies or books.

For Instance, YouTube is a good source to look for Movie Trailers. Because, I tend to write about movies I saw, is easier to find what I want exactly.

I lean on three YouTube channels that talked about movies and books as well of YouTube trailers:


Resultado de imagen de youtube trailers

2. CHRIS STUCKMANN: Is a movie critique related channel. I watch his videos on a daily basis, because of his objective reviews and good sense of humour

 Chris Stuckmann
3.WISECRACK. Thug Notes Section: A book related channel, that reviews, analyses and explains classics of literature in a comical note.

Besides those three channels, the search is merely to get more background of the topic. 
Here are some of the pages I used:

1. Internet Movies Database: Used to find references and nice details

Resultado de imagen de IMDb
2. GOODREADS: The usage of this website depends on the book, if it's a classical I will rely on this web to get more information, otherwise I
will stick to YouTube
Resultado de imagen de goodreads
3. THE NEW YORK TIMES: the book section is often use to find good reviews of the books selected on the post

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