jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Literature, movies and me.

   I believe that most of us read quite an amount of books, both good and bad, when we were little; and that we watched even more movies or TV shows. And, I don't knonw about you, but whenever I saw these two things combined, I was the happiest kid alive. I can't even remember how many times I rewatched the first Chronicles of Narnia movie. Or why I enjoyed the animated series based on The Neverending Story (even though in retrospective it is not that good).
I have always loved the battle scene from "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe".

   It is only natural that as I grew older, so would my curiosity on this topic. I started to realize that many movies either were direct adaptations of pieces of literature a drew a lot of inspiration from them. Specially since a few years ago when I started to get more into the world of audiovisual medias and it became obvious to me that even videogames did this. I wasn't really aware of the intersting part of all of his, but at least I acknowledged its existance, which is something.

   And so, even though I had never thought about actually studying this topic, when it came as an idea for the blog, I came into the realization that it would be a great opportunity to learn more about this world, as well a being able to give my views about it. And I may even gain a new insight into my favorite movies, TV shows and movies, which include and are lead by The Lord of the Rings trilogy amongst others.

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